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Playing is an integral part of children’s day at School and in the Early Years. Children play before the bell goes in the morning; at playtime and lunchtime; and after school ends.  Increasingly, playing is part of class time across Scotland too.  At Eyemouth Primary School we recognise the interconnections between playing, learning, growing, developing, being healthy and being happy.

Scotland’s Play Charter

The aim of Scotland’s Play Charter is to:

  • Highlight that every child has the right to play in line with Article 31 of the UNCRC and raise awareness of the importance of play for all babies, children and young people
  • Ensure a commitment to play is more strongly embedded within our policies, strategies, and approaches.
  • Ensure that children and young people are supported in their right to play and that play spaces are valued within our school and  community
  • Inspire everyone to promote a range of inclusive play opportunities
  • Bring back the sight and sound of children playing in our our school and communities

Who are Play Champions? – we can all be Play Champions

We are delighted that all staff at Eyemouth Primary School are play champions. This means we are committed to support children’s right to play.

Play Champions are professionals, elected members, community representatives and individuals who uphold children’s right to play and commit to strategies and policies that support play.  

Play Champions ensure that play is always prioritised in planning, strategies and services. 

Play Champions take a lead in highlighting the importance of play and seek out opportunities for dialogue with children and young people, their families and communities.